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Zionism -- Ohio -- Cleveland. in subject [X]
Fuchs Mizrachi School (Cleveland, Ohio) in subject [X]
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1Title:  Fuchs Mizrachi School Records     
 Creator:  Fuchs Mizrachi School 
 Dates:  1983-2000 
 Abstract:  Fuchs Mizrachi School is an Orthodox Jewish day school, preschool through grade 12, located in University Heights, Ohio, a suburb of Cleveland. The school, founded in 1983 as Bet Sefer Mizrachi of Cleveland, was renamed Fuchs Bet Sefer Mizrachi in 1994 in honor of benefactors Susan and Leonard Fuchs; in 1999 it was renamed Fuchs Mizrachi School. It was established by a group of Zionist Orthodox Jewish friends, all with young children. Its curriculum included political and religious Zionism, Orthodox Judaism, modern Hebrew, and secular studies. After 8 years of renting space at Taylor Road Synagogue and Taylor Academy in Cleveland Heights and at Northwood Elementary School in University Heights, the school purchased the former Northwood Elementary School in 1994. The collection consists of minutes, newsletters, yearbooks, and scrapbooks. 
 Call #:  MS 4836 
 Extent:  4.00 linear feet (4 containers) 
 Subjects:  Fuchs Mizrachi School (Cleveland, Ohio) | Jewish day schools -- Ohio -- Cleveland. | Jews -- Ohio -- Cleveland. | Schools -- Ohio -- Cleveland. | Orthodox Judaism -- Ohio -- Cleveland. | Jews -- Education -- Ohio -- Cleveland. | Zionism -- Ohio -- Cleveland.
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