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| Manuscript Collection | Save | 1381 | Title: | Green Road Synagogue Records
| | | Creator: | Green Road Synagogue | | | Dates: | 1949-1976 | | | Abstract: | The Anshe Marmarosher Congregation was founded in 1910 by Orthodox Jews from Marmaresh Sziget, Hungary who emigrated to Cleveland, Ohio. It later changed its name to the Marmarosher Jewish Center. The Heights Jewish Center, also Orthodox, was organized in 1923. The two congregations merged in 1971 and took the name Green Road Synagogue. The collection consists of a constitution, Board minutes, membership records, religious school records, social and fundraising materials, and financial records of the Marmarosher Jewish Center and the Green Road Synagogue, and files of the Heights Jewish Center, including constitutions and material relating to the merger with the Marmarosher Jewish Center. | | | Call #: | MS 3786 | | | Extent: | 2.40 linear feet (3 containers) | | | Subjects: | Green Road Synagogue (University Heights, Ohio) | Orthodox Judaism -- Ohio -- Cleveland. | Jews -- Ohio -- Cleveland. | Synagogues -- Ohio -- Cleveland -- Organization and administration.
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Manuscript Collection | Save | 1382 | Title: | John A. Greene Papers
| | | Creator: | Greene, John A. | | | Dates: | 1929-1961 | | | Abstract: | John A. Greene (b. 1893) was a Cleveland, Ohio, business executive who was heavily involved in social service and philanthropic activities. He was a Trustee of the Cleveland Community Fund and President of the Welfare Federation of Cleveland and of the United Community Funds and Councils of America. The collection consists of newspaper clippings, letter copies, correspondence, minutes of meetings, proposals, speeches, pamphlets, and brochures pertaining to a variety of organizations. Also included are some personal and family correspondence, insurance policies, and related material. | | | Call #: | MS 3787 | | | Extent: | 8.60 linear feet (10 containers) | | | Subjects: | Greene, John A., 1893- | Charities -- Ohio -- Cleveland. | Charity organization. | Social service exchanges -- Ohio -- Cleveland. | Philanthropists -- Ohio -- Cleveland. | Community welfare councils -- Ohio -- Cleveland.
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Manuscript Collection | Save | 1383 | Title: | Federation for Community Planning Records
| | | Creator: | Federation for Community Planning | | | Dates: | 1913-1974 | | | Abstract: | The Federation for Community Planning was founded in 1913 as the Federation for Charity and Philanthropy, to coordinate funding for the numerous charities in Cleveland, Ohio. It merged with the Welfare Council of Cleveland in 1917 to form the Cleveland Welfare Federation. In 1972 it became the Federation for Community Planning. By 1919 it had given up solicitation of funds and by 1966 their allocation also, evolving into a specialized community planning agency. Today, the organization is known as the Center for Community Solutions. The collection consists of minutes, correspondence, reports, clippings and publications of the Federation for Community Planning, the Welfare Federation, the Federation for Charity and Philanthropy and various bodies allied to these organizations, files of the executive directors Edward D. Lynde and William T. McCullough, speech texts, television and radio scripts, personnel files and news releases. | | | Call #: | MS 3788 | | | Extent: | 64.00 linear feet (52 containers and 13 oversize volumes) | | | Subjects: | Federation for Community Planning. | Juvenile delinquency -- Ohio -- Cleveland. | Aged -- Ohio -- Cleveland -- Care and hygiene. | Adoption -- Ohio -- Cleveland. | Transients, Relief of -- Ohio -- Cleveland. | Foster home care -- Ohio -- Cleveland. | Illegitimate children -- Ohio -- Cleveland. | Alcoholism -- Ohio -- Cleveland. | Family social work -- Ohio -- Cleveland. | Japanese Americans -- Ohio -- Cleveland -- Evacuation and relocation, 1942-1945. | Depressions -- 1929 -- United States. | Community organization -- Ohio -- Cleveland. | Charity organization. | Public welfare -- Ohio -- Cleveland. | Charities -- Ohio -- Cleveland.
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Manuscript Collection | Save | 1384 | Title: | Alexander Miller Papers
| | | Creator: | Miller, Alexander | | | Dates: | 1938-1975 | | | Abstract: | Alexander Miller (1902-1975) was the Chief of Orthopedic Surgery at Mt. Sinai and Suburban Community Hospitals who was also active in the Cleveland, Ohio, Jewish community. Dr. Miller was certified to practice orthopedic surgery and trained as a flight surgeon in 1938. He served in the army medical corps from 1941 to 1946. In 1960 Dr. Miller and his wife, Ellen, became involved in fund raising for the hospital ship Hope. Dr. Miller sailed with the ship to many countries, including Ecuador and Vietnam, where he practiced medicine and trained native physicians. The collection consists of correspondence, service records, certificates, flyers, brochures, newspaper clippings, and a scrapbook concerning the hospital ship Hope. Topics of the correspondence include arrangements to return to the rightful owner a Japanese sword which had been confiscated at the end of World War II, letters from Mrs. Miller and friends while Dr. Miller was abroad on the hospital ship Hope, and letters of condolence to Mrs. Miller upon Dr. Miller's death in 1975. | | | Call #: | MS 3789 | | | Extent: | 0.20 linear feet (1 container) | | | Subjects: | Miller, Alexander, 1902-1975. | Physicians -- Ohio -- Cleveland. | Jews -- Ohio -- Cleveland. | Hospital ships -- United States.
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Manuscript Collection | Save | 1385 | Title: | Anthony J. DiSantis Papers
| | | Creator: | DiSantis, Anthony J. | | | Dates: | 1936-1963 | | | Abstract: | Anthony DiSantis (b. 1910) was a journalist who covered labor news for the Cleveland Plain Dealer from 1941 to 1960 before becoming its labor negotiator, industrial relations director, and assistant to the publisher. The collection consists of DiSantis' columns and articles as labor writer for the Cleveland Plain Dealer, notes and supporting materials, negotiation notes of the Cleveland, Ohio, newspaper strike (November 1962-April 1963), and correspondence to DiSantis. | | | Call #: | MS 3790 | | | Extent: | 3.20 linear feet (4 containers) | | | Subjects: | DiSantis, Anthony J., 1910- | Cleveland Plain Dealer | Journalists -- Ohio -- Cleveland. | Journalism -- Ohio -- Cleveland. | Labor -- Ohio -- Cleveland. | Industrial relations -- Ohio -- Cleveland. | Reporters and reporting -- Ohio -- Cleveland. | Newspapers -- Sections, columns, etc. | Strikes and lockouts -- Ohio -- Cleveland.
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Manuscript Collection | Save | 1386 | Title: | Edward Budweig Papers
| | | Creator: | Budweig, Edward | | | Dates: | 1854-1906 | | | Abstract: | Edward Budweig was a Cleveland, Ohio, Jewish businessman and partner in S. Thorman and Company. He was married to Esther Thorman, the daughter of one of Cleveland's first Jewish settlers, Simson Thorman. Unfortunately the Budweigs' marriage was strained by Edward's extensive travels. Esther divorced him and later married Jacob Weiner. Budweig also suffered from ill-health which caused him to relocate temporarily to Mexico, resulting in his termination by S. Thorman and Company. The collection consists of correspondence, mainly from Edward Budweig to his wife and children (1866-1888), approximately half of which is in German, an agreement, a wedding invitation, a certificate, an affidavit, by-laws of the masonic order, Western Star, Lodge No. 2, receipts, and account books. | | | Call #: | MS 3791 | | | Extent: | 0.20 linear feet (1 container) | | | Subjects: | Budweig, Edward. | Thorman family. | Budweig family. | Jews -- Ohio -- Cleveland.
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Manuscript Collection | Save | 1387 | Title: | Alfred Abraham Benesch Papers
| | | Creator: | Benesch, Alfred Abraham | | | Dates: | 1900-1973 | | | Abstract: | Alfred A. Benesch (1879-1973) was a Jewish lawyer and civic leader whose parents immigrated to Cleveland, Ohio, from Czechoslovakia. Benesch entered politics as a Cleveland city councilman (1912-1915). His next offices included: Ohio Director of Commerce (1935-1939), Rent Control Director for Cuyahoga, Lake and Geauga Counties (1942-1945), and President of the Cleveland Board of Education. Benesch was also a leader in many civic, professional, religious and charitable organizations. The collection consists of correspondence (1900-1973), the bulk of which dates from 1962 and especially from 1973, when condolences were written to Mrs. Rose upon her uncle's death. Also included are Benesch's transcripts from Harvard, his entry in the 38th edition of Who's Who in America, speeches, addresses, tributes, certificates, and newspaper clippings both by and about Benesch. | | | Call #: | MS 3792 | | | Extent: | 0.20 linear feet (1 container) | | | Subjects: | Benesch, Alfred A. (Alfred Abraham) 1879-1973. | Jewish lawyers -- Ohio -- Cleveland. | Jews -- Ohio -- Cleveland.
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Manuscript Collection | Save | 1388 | Title: | Morris David Shanman Papers
| | | Creator: | Shanman, Morris David | | | Dates: | 1920-1977 | | | Abstract: | Morris David Shanman (1875-1943) was a Russian Jew who immigrated to Cleveland, Ohio ca. 1881. He and his wife, Esther, established one of the first wholesale dry goods businesses in downtown Cleveland in 1898. M.D. Shanman Company was turned over to family members when Shanman retired in his early forties to devote himself to civic, cultural and religious works. He was the first president of Anshe Emeth Beth Tefilo Congregation, and participated in various philanthropies. The collection consists of one letter (1950), deeds and certificates of ownership (1920-1926), a funeral sermon (1943), dedication programs (1963-1964), certificates of confirmation (1926 and 1932), newspaper clippings, and a resume of Sanford J. Rose. | | | Call #: | MS 3793 | | | Extent: | 0.10 linear feet (1 container) | | | Subjects: | Shanman, Morris David, 1875-1943. | Jewish merchants -- Ohio -- Cleveland. | Jews -- Ohio -- Cleveland.
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Manuscript Collection | Save | 1389 | Title: | Ezra Shapiro Papers
| | | Creator: | Shapiro, Ezra | | | Dates: | 1892-1977 | | | Abstract: | Ezra Shapiro (1903-1977) was a Polish Jew who immigrated to Cleveland, Ohio, in 1903. Shapiro became active in local civic and Jewish affairs, particularly the Zionist movement, while maintaining a private law practice. He was Chairman of the National Executive of the Zionist Organization of America, a member of the General Council of the World Zionist Organization, a delegate to many World Zionist Congresses, and played an influential role in Zionist activities which led to the establishment of Israel in 1948. Even after his immigration to Israel in 1971 he remained active in many organizations until his death in 1977. The collection consists of correspondence (1892-1977), including a letter from Theodore Herzl (1900), a brief biographical sketch of Shapiro, speeches and addresses by him, tributes and eulogies upon his death in 1977, certificates (1923-1969), newspaper clippings, photographs of his funeral in Israel, and miscellaneous printed materials. All material in this collection consists of photocopies. | | | Call #: | MS 3794 | | | Extent: | 0.10 linear feet (1 container) | | | Subjects: | Shapiro, Ezra, 1903-1977. | Jewish lawyers -- Ohio -- Cleveland. | Jews -- Ohio -- Cleveland. | Zionism -- Ohio -- Cleveland.
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Manuscript Collection | Save | 1390 | Title: | Max Apple Papers
| | | Creator: | Apple, Max | | | Dates: | 1940-1970 | | | Abstract: | Max Apple (b. 1897) was a Cleveland, Ohi,o collector of Jewish memorabilia who retired from his paint and wallpaper business to devote his time to Jewish affairs and to the raising of funds for Israel. He was active in many Jewish charities, including the Histadrut Campaign. He and his wife founded a children's home at Gan Yavne, Israel in 1949 and have created scholarships at several universities. The collection consists of correspondence (1951-1971), certificates (1953 and 1954), World War II ration books, announcements and programs (1941-1971), newspaper clippings, and miscellaneous printed materials. | | | Call #: | MS 3795 | | | Extent: | 0.10 linear feet (1 container) | | | Subjects: | Apple, Max, 1897- | Jews -- Ohio -- Cleveland. | Philanthropists -- Ohio -- Cleveland.
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Manuscript Collection | Save | 1391 | Title: | Women's American ORT, Cleveland Region Records
| | | Creator: | Women's American ORT, Cleveland Region | | | Dates: | 1965-1976 | | | Abstract: | Women's American ORT, Cleveland Region, was established in 1957 as a regional group of the Women's American Organization for Rehabilitation Through Training (ORT), a vocational training program for Jewish people which is a member of the World ORT Union, a worldwide organization whose purpose is to help people by teaching them modern trades and skills. The World ORT runs a global network of vocational schools for this purpose. The Cleveland Region ORT has 28 chapters divided into 5 administrative sections. It is led by a Region Board which is structured into four departments: Special Projects (fund raising), Membership, Education, and Community. It belongs to District VIII, which comprises Ohio, Michigan, and parts of New York and Pennsylvania. The collection consists of correspondence (1972-1975), papers on the history of the ORT from 1881 to 1939, minutes of the Region Board and the Executive Committee (1972-1974), reports of the Cleveland Region made at various conferences and seminars (1965-1975), newsletters, programs, fund raising manuals and cards, certificates, newspaper clippings, miscellaneous printed materials, and two scrapbooks, dated 1972 and 1973, containing newspaper clippings and circulars. | | | Call #: | MS 3796 | | | Extent: | 1.20 linear feet (4 containers) | | | Subjects: | Women's American ORT. Cleveland Region. | Occupational training for Jews -- Ohio -- Cleveland. | Jews -- Ohio -- Cleveland. | Jewish women -- Ohio -- Cleveland.
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Manuscript Collection | Save | 1392 | Title: | William Sheldon Kerruish Papers, Series II
| | | Creator: | Kerruish, William Sheldon | | | Dates: | 1855-1900 | | | Abstract: | William Sheldon Kerruish (1831-1927) was educated at Twinsburgh Institute, Western Reserve College and graduated from Yale University in 1855. After being admitted to the Cleveland Bar Association in 1859 he practiced law with the firm of Ranney, Backus and Noble. The collection consists of an 1855 yearbook of Yale College, several letters from Kerruish's classmates, and notes for a reunion speech. The yearbook contains pictures of the class members and a number of personal notes wishing him a future of good fortune. | | | Call #: | MS 3797 | | | Extent: | 0.20 linear feet (1 container) | | | Subjects: | Kerruish, William Sheldon, 1831-1927. | Yale University. Class of 1855. | Lawyers -- Ohio -- Cleveland.
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Manuscript Collection | Save | 1393 | Title: | John Cushman Hale Papers
| | | Creator: | Hale, John Cushman | | | Dates: | 1857-1898 | | | Abstract: | John Cushman Hale (1831-1922) was the son of Aaron and Mary Kent Hale of Orford, New Hampshire. He came to Cleveland, Ohio, and taught in the public schools while studying law. In 1859 he married Carolina (Carrie) Sanborn and two years later was admitted to the Bar Association. He practiced law in Elyria before being elected Lorain County Prosecuting Attorney in 1863. He participated in the State Constitutional Convention of 1872 and served as Judge of the Lorain County Court of Common Pleas from 1877-1883. Afterwords, he returned to Cleveland to practice law. From 1892 to 1905 he was Judge of the Eighth District Circuit Court of Ohio. The collection consists of general family correspondence, primarily from John and Carrie Hale's brothers and sisters for the years 1859 to 1866. Also included are general correspondence to both Mr. and Mrs. Hale and a notice of election to John Hale. | | | Call #: | MS 3798 | | | Extent: | 0.80 linear feet (2 containers) | | | Subjects: | Hale, John Cushman, 1831-1922. | Hale family. | Sanborn family. | Lawyers -- Ohio -- Correspondence. | Judges -- Ohio -- Correspondence.
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Manuscript Collection | Save | 1394 | Title: | Marvin Clinton Harrison Papers
| | | Creator: | Harrison, Marvin Clinton | | | Dates: | 1915-1954 | | | Abstract: | Marvin Clinton Harrison (1890-1954) was a Cleveland, Ohio, lawyer and Ohio state senator who specialized in the areas of accident and labor law. The collection consists of briefs, depositions, medical reports, exhibits, case notes, precedents, authorizations, correspondence, proceedings before the National Labor Relations Board and the Securities and Exchange Commission, newspaper clippings, settlement notices, receipts, personal papers, and letters from Harrison to his father. | | | Call #: | MS 3799 | | | Extent: | 24.40 linear feet (25 containers) | | | Subjects: | Harrison, Marvin Clinton, 1890-1954. | Steel Workers Organizing Committee (U.S.) | Iron and steel workers -- Labor unions -- Ohio. | Labor unions -- Ohio -- Cleveland. | Little Steel Strike, U.S., 1937. | Lawyers -- Ohio -- Cleveland. | Labor laws and legislation -- Ohio. | Accident law -- Ohio. | Legislators -- Ohio. | Strikes and lockouts -- Steel industry -- Ohio -- Cleveland.
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Manuscript Collection | Save | 1395 | Title: | Jacob Strekal Papers
| | | Creator: | Strekal, Jacob | | | Dates: | 1903-1976 | | | Abstract: | Jacob Strekal (1911-1984) was a Euclid, Ohio, resident who was active in the preservation of Slovenian heritage among Cleveland area Slovenian Americans and in fund raising for the Slovene Home for the Aged. The collection consists of letters, articles and pamphlets containing reminiscences of Strekal and other Cleveland area Slovenian Americans. Also included are a constitution from the Slovene National Benefit Society, and miscellaneous clippings and programs. | | | Call #: | MS 3800 | | | Extent: | 0.10 linear feet (1 container) | | | Subjects: | Strekal, Jacob, 1911-1984. | Slovenian Americans -- Ohio -- Cleveland.
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Manuscript Collection | Save | 1396 | Title: | Joseph Ranney Family Correspondence
| | | Creator: | Ranney, Joseph Family | | | Dates: | 1831-1923 | | | Abstract: | Joseph Ranney (807-1873) was a Connecticut-born shoemaker and merchant who moved to Cleveland, Ohio. Sarah Kinney Ranney was his daughter. The collection consists of letters to Joseph Ranney and Sarah K. Ranney, and personal memorabilia of Mrs. Charles H. (Edith) Smith, including a postcard, certificates, and an autographed program of a dinner given by the Star Spangled Banner Centennial Committee, July 10 1914, in honor of James H. Preston, Mayor of Baltimore. | | | Call #: | MS 3801 | | | Extent: | 0.10 linear feet (1 container) | | | Subjects: | Ranney, Joseph, 1807-1873. | Ranney family.
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Manuscript Collection | Save | 1397 | Title: | Herman Meyers Civil War Diary
| | | Creator: | Meyers, Herman | | | Dates: | 1864 | | | Abstract: | Herman Meyers was a soldier in Company A of the 155th Pennsylvania Volunteers during the American Civil War. He fought in the battles of Mine Run, Wilderness, Laurel Hill, Spottsville Court House, Shady Grove Church, Cold Harbor, and Petersburg. The collection consists of a diary dated 1864 and a photocopy of the same. The entries usually name the place of encampment and comment on the day's weather and events. | | | Call #: | MS 3802 | | | Extent: | 0.10 linear feet (1 container) | | | Subjects: | Meyers, Herman. | Soldiers -- Pennsylvania. | United States -- History -- Civil War, 1861-1865 -- Personal narratives.
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Manuscript Collection | Save | 1398 | Title: | Frederick Kohler Order Book
| | | Creator: | Kohler, Frederick | | | Dates: | 1905-1906 | | | Abstract: | Frederick Kohler (1864-1934) was the Police Chief of Cleveland, Ohio, Mayor of Cleveland, and Cuyahoga County Commissioner who began his career as a patrolman in 1889. The collection consists of a 142 page order book containing the orders of Police Chief Kohler and his top ranking officers, all stationed in the First Precinct. Included are excerpts from the Daily Bulletin of the Department of Police reporting on promotions, appointments, disciplinary actions, and isolated crimes. | | | Call #: | MS 3803 | | | Extent: | 0.20 linear feet (1 container) | | | Subjects: | Kohler, Frederick, 1864-1934. | Police chiefs -- Ohio -- Cleveland | Law enforcement -- Ohio -- Cleveland.
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Manuscript Collection | Save | 1399 | Title: | Samuel Neshkin Scrapbooks
| | | Creator: | Neshkin, Samuel | | | Dates: | 1917-1977 | | | Abstract: | Samuel Neshkin (b. 1898) was a Russian Jew who immigrated to Cleveland, Ohio, in 1910 and became a tailor and clothing store owner. He is known predominantly for his involvement with the Yiddish Theater in Cleveland, which included acting, producing, and directing, and spanned approximately six decades. The collection consists of three scrapbooks containing handbills, newspaper clippings, photographs, programs, and other memorabilia, the bulk of which relate to the Yiddish theater in Cleveland and Neshkin's involvement with it. | | | Call #: | MS 3804 | | | Extent: | 0.60 linear feet (2 containers) | | | Subjects: | Neshkin, Samuel, 1898- | Yiddish drama -- Ohio -- Cleveland. | Theater, Yiddish -- Ohio -- Cleveland. | Jewish theater -- Ohio -- Cleveland. | Jews -- Ohio -- Cleveland. | Jewish actors -- Ohio -- Cleveland.
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Manuscript Collection | Save | 1400 | Title: | Manuel Levine Papers
| | | Creator: | Levine, Manuel | | | Dates: | 1908-1965 | | | Abstract: | Manuel Levine (1881-1939) was a Russian Jew who immigrated to Cleveland, Ohio, in 1897 and became a lawyer and judge, rising to the position of Chief Justice of the Court of Appeals of Ohio. Levine was also interested in the preparation of the immigrant for citizenship and was president of the Cleveland Immigration League. The collection consists of correspondence, speeches by and about Levine, reports, legal documents, financial records such as receipts and bills of sale, photocopies of scrapbooks containing newspaper clippings, and copies of miscellaneous newspaper clippings, most of which relate to Judge Levine's career or to developments in the legal profession during the 1920s and 1930s. | | | Call #: | MS 3805 | | | Extent: | 0.80 linear feet (2 containers) | | | Subjects: | Levine, Manuel, 1881-1939. | Lawyers -- Ohio -- Cleveland. | Jewish lawyers -- Ohio -- Cleveland. | Jewish judges -- Ohio -- Cleveland. | Judges -- Ohio -- Cleveland. | Jews -- Ohio -- Cleveland.
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