AuthorCollier, William Miller, 1867-1956.
TitleCasper, a Collier, Hallenback, Conyn name; with memoranda as to bearers of it, and incidental reference to Colliers named Jochem (Jehoiakim), Michael and Isaac, by William Miller Collier ... Addressed to John Casper McClure.
Published[Auburn, N.Y., 1949]
Description41, 5 leaves. 29 cm.
General NoteCaption-title.
At head of title: "A private family document."
SubjectsBronck family.
Collier family.
Conyn family.
Hallenbeck family.
McClure family.
McClure, John Casper.
Van Hoesen family.
Call Number/Copies 
 WRHS Research Library: Collier family, Red File
mq14395: Family histories, closed stacks [status: NON-CIRCULATING]
[Record 8657]