AuthorFipphen, John S.
TitleCemetery inscriptions, Wolfeboro, New Hampshire / transcribed by Ida Pineo, Bernard Pineo, Wilma Grant ; compiled and edited by John Fipphen.
PublishedBowie, Md. : Heritage Books, 1993.
Description298 p. : maps ; 21 cm.
General NoteIncludes index.
SubjectsCemeteries -- New Hampshire -- Wolfeboro.
Inscriptions -- New Hampshire -- Wolfeboro.
Registers of births, etc. -- New Hampshire -- Wolfeboro.
Wolfeboro (N.H.) -- Genealogy.
LC Card Number93-164571
Call Number/Copies 
 WRHS Research Library: F 3 Y W855 C3
mq21273: LC class, open stacks [status: NON-CIRCULATING]
[Record 14423]