AuthorCrowell, Carrie E. (Carrie Ethel)
TitleSupplement to the Genealogical register of the descendants of Thomas Flint of Salem giving the direct line from Thomas Flint <1> to Henry Flint <581> and the descendants of Henry Flint <581> Compiled by Carrie E. Crowell.
PublishedProvidence, R.I., Priv. print for E. Flint, 1939.
Description71 p. plates, ports. 21 cm.
General Note"Part of the material for the first five generations has been taken from the above mentioned record, but this has been augmented by data gathered from the histories and statistics of the towns in which these families lived. The sources for the later generations have been family records."--Pref.
Bib. NoteBibliographical foot-notes.
SubjectsFlint family.
Flint, Henry, 1792-1866 -- Family.
Flint, Thomas, d. 1663 -- Family.
Other AuthorsFlint, John. Genealogical register of the descendants of Thomas Flint of Salem, 1860.
LC Card Number40-8333
Call Number/Copies 
 WRHS Research Library: Flint family
mq192648: Family histories, closed stacks [status: NON-CIRCULATING]
[Record 124143]