Uniform TitleAmerican art annual.
TitleDictionary of American artists : 19th & 20th century.
PublishedPoughkeepsie, N.Y. : Glenn Opitz/Apollo Book, c1982.
Description372 p. : ill. ; 24 cm.
General Note"Reprinted from vol. xxvi, American art annual for the year 1929, edited by Alice Coe McGlauflin."
Original title: Biographical directory: American artists.
SubjectsArtists -- Directories.
Artists, American -- Biography.
Other AuthorsMcGlauflin, Alice Coe.
Related TitlesBiographical directory: American artists.
Call Number/Copies 
 WRHS Research Library: N 51 D554
mq29965: LC class, closed stacks [status: NON-CIRCULATING]
[Record 22852]