AuthorNew York (City). Citizens.
TitlePetition and memorial of citizens of the United States to the Senate and House of Representatives in Congress assembled.
PublishedNew York, Francis & Loutrel, steam job printers & stationers, 1865.
Description20 p. 24 cm.
General NoteSigned: George B. Cheever, Edward Gilbert, Parker Pillsbury.
"Adopted at a public meeting held in the Church of the Puritans in the city of New York, Thursday evening, November 30, 1865."
SubjectsAfrican Americans -- Politics and government.
LC Card Number43-30531
Call Number/Copies 
 WRHS Research Library: JK 1923 P48
mq143462: LC class, closed stacks [status: NON-CIRCULATING]
[Record 80500]