AuthorDana, Henry Swan.
TitleHistory of Woodstock, Vermont : 1761-1886 / by Henry Swan Dana ; with an introduction and epilogue by Peter S. Jennison.
PublishedTaftsville, Vt. : Published for the Woodstock Foundation by The Countryman Press, 1980.
Description[14], xv, [1]-585, [629]-641, [20] p., [17] p. of plates : ill., ports., map (on lining pages) ; 25 cm.
General NoteReproduction of the 1889 ed. published by Houghton, Mifflin, Boston.
Bib. NoteIncludes bibliographical references and index.
SubjectsWindsor County (Vt.) -- History, Local.
Woodstock (Vt.) -- Biography.
Woodstock (Vt.) -- History.
Other AuthorsJennison, Peter S.
Call Number/Copies 
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[Record 14500]