AuthorNew York State Museum.
TitleAnnual report of the Regents / New York State Museum.
PublishedAlbany, N.Y. : University of the State of New York, 1890-1903.
Dates of Publication43rd (1889)-55th (1901).
Description13 v. : ill. ; 23-29 cm.
General NoteReports 43-47 are each in 1 v.; 48 and 49 each in 3 v.; 50-53 each in 2 v.; 54 in 4 v.
Summary NoteSummary: "These reports are made up of the reports of the director, geologist, paleontologist, botanist and entomologist, and museum Bulletins and Memoirs, issued as advance sections of the reports." N.Y. State Museum. Bulletin 66, p. 241.
SubjectsNew York State Museum.
Science -- Societies, etc.
OrganizationsUniversity of the State of New York. Board of Regents.
Other TitlesISSN 1066-9647 = Annual report of the Regents - New York State Museum (AACR 2)
Previous TitlesContinues: New York State Museum of Natural History. Annual report of the Trustees of the State Museum of Natural History for the year ...
Later TitlesContinued by: New York State Museum. Annual report
LC Card Numbersn92-6806
Call Number/Copies 
 WRHS Research Library: Q 11 N532
mq156448: LC class, closed stacks [status: NON-CIRCULATING]

no. 53-55 (1899-1901)
[Record 93253]