AuthorNason, Elias, 1811-1887.
TitleDiscourse delivered before the New-England Historic-genealogical Society, Boston, April 2, 1868, on the life and character of the Hon. John Albion Andrew, late president of the Society. With proceedings and appendix. By the Rev. Elias Nason.
PublishedBoston, New-England Historic-genealogical Society, 1868.
Description76 p. front. (port.) 26 cm.
General NoteReprinted from the New England historic genealogical register.
SubjectsAndrew family.
Andrew, John Albion, 1818-1867.
OrganizationsNew England Historic Genealogical Society.
LC Card Number06-46428
Call Number/Copies 
 WRHS Research Library: E 415.9 A562N
mq132250: LC class, closed stacks [status: NON-CIRCULATING]
[Record 72701]