AuthorWylie, Andrew, 1789-1851.
TitleThe uses of history, by Pres. Andrew Wylie, D. D.
PublishedIndianapolis, The Bowen-Merrill company, 1897.
Description77-117 25 cm.
SeriesIndiana historical society. Publications, vol. I, no.III
General NoteContains reproduction of original t.-p.: A discourse delivered before the Indiana historical society ... at the annual meeting, on Saturday, 11th December, 1831, by Andrew Wylie ... Pub. by request of the society. Indianapolis, A. F. Morrison, printer, 1831.
LC Card Number05-5642
Call Number/Copies 
 WRHS Research Library: F 37 B I39P v.1 no.3
mq99949: LC class, closed stacks [status: NON-CIRCULATING]
[Record 56192]