AuthorHolm, Thomas Campanius, 1670 (ca)-1702.
TitleA short description of the province of New Sweden. Now called, by the English, Pennsylvania, in America. Compiled from the relations and writings of persons worthy of credit, and adorned with maps and plates. By Thomas Campanius Holm. Translated from the Swedish for the Historical Society of Pennsylvania. With notes. By Peter S. DuPonceau ...
Indians of North America.
Host TitleIn: Memoirs of the Historical Society of Pennsylvania. Philadelphia. 22 cm. Vol. 3, pt. 1 (1834), p. i-vi, [v]-xi, [13]-166. maps, plans.
LC Card Number10-1204//r
Call Number/Copies 
 WRHS Research Library: F 11 B P415M v.3, pt.1
mq118999: LC class, closed stacks [status: NON-CIRCULATING]
[Record 67273]