AuthorSalverte, Eusèbe, 1771-1839.
TitleHistory of the names of men, nations, and places in their connection with the progress of civilization. From the French of 'Eusebius Salverte.' Tr. by the Rev. L. H. Mordacque.
PublishedLondon, J.R. Smith, 1862-64.
Description2 v. fold. map. 23 cm.
Names, Geographical.
Other AuthorsMordacque, L. H. (Louis Henry), 1824-1872, tr.
LC Card Number10-2781
Call Number/Copies 
 WRHS Research Library: CS 2305 S183
mq152220: LC class, closed stacks [status: NON-CIRCULATING]
[Record 89048]