AuthorInternational Correspondence Schools.
TitleThe elements of mechanical engineering / prepared for students of The International Correspondence Schools, Scranton, Pa.
Edition1st ed.
PublishedScranton, The Colliery Engineer Co., 1897.
Description6 v. : ill., plates. ; 24 cm. (v. 4: 29 x 38 cm.)
General NoteVols. 1-3 paged continuously.
Manuals used by Hal M. Freightner, tool and die maker with Alexander Winton.
Formatted NoteContents: I. Arithmetic, algebra, logarithms, geometry and trigonometry, heat, elementary mechanics, hydromechanics, pneumatics, with practical questions and examples.--II. Steam and steam engines, strength of materials, applied mechanics, steam boilers, with practical questions and examples.--III. Machine design, dynamos and motors, with practical questions and examples.--IV. Mechanical drawing.--V. The principal tables and formulas.--VI. Answers to questions.
SubjectsAutomobile industry and trade -- Ohio -- Cleveland -- Miscellanea.
Mechanical engineering.
LC Card Number06-24289//r38
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