TitleMotorcars unlimited.
Published[Savannah, Ga., Motorcars Unlimited, Inc.]
Dates of PublicationVolume 1, number 1 (October 1972)-
Descriptionv. ill. 28 cm.
General Note"Imported-domestic, antique & classic autos."
SubjectsAutomobiles -- Collectors and collecting.
Automobiles -- Collectors and collecting -- Periodicals.
Automobiles -- Conservation and restoration.
Automobiles -- Conservation and restoration -- Periodicals.
Other TitlesKey title: Motorcars unlimited, ISSN 0147-1368 (Non-ISBD)
LC Card Number77-649459
Call Number/Copies 
 WRHS Research Library: TL 7 A1 M919
CA-1702406 c.1: LC class, closed stacks [status: NON-CIRCULATING]

Copy: 1
v. 1 no. 1 (Oct 1972)- v. 1 no. 12 (Oct 1973)
[Record 59586]