AuthorBrydges, Egerton, Sir, 1762-1837.
TitleCensura literaria. Containing titles, abstracts, and opinions of old English books, with original disquisitions, articles of biography, and other literary antiquities. By Samuel Egerton Brydges, esq.
PublishedLondon, Longman, Hurst, Rees, and Orme, 1805-09.
Description10 v. 21 cm.
General NoteVol. 1 issued anonymously.
Vol. 4-6 have title: Censura literaria. Containing titles, extracts, and opinions of old English books, especially those which are scarce. To which are added Necrographia authorum, or memoirs of deceased authors; and the Ruminator, consisting of original, moral and critical essays, with other literary disquisitions ...
On t.-p. of v. 4-10: First[-seventh] of the new series.
Continued and supplemented by Brydges' British bibliographer, 1810-14; and Res literariæ, 1821-2.
English literature.
English literature -- Early modern, 1500-1700 -- Bibliography.
LC Card Number03-25387
Call Number/Copies 
 WRHS Research Library: Z 2012 B91
mq47739: LC class, closed stacks [status: NON-CIRCULATING]
[Record 34174]