AuthorMcCandless, Byron, 1881-
TitleFlags of the world, by Byron McCandless ... and Gilbert Grosvenor ... with 1197 flags in full colors, 300 additional illustrations in black and white.
PublishedWashington, D.C., The National geographic society [1917]
Description2 p. l., [281]-420. illus. (part col.) 26 cm.
General Note"The pages of the flag book are numbered as they appeared in the National geographic magazine (no. 4, vol. 32)"--Note.
Flags -- United States.
Other AuthorsGrosvenor, Gilbert Hovey, 1875-1966. joint author.
OrganizationsNational Geographic Society (U.S.)
LC Card Number18-5634
Call Number/Copies 
 WRHS Research Library: CR 101 M122
mq118117: LC class, closed stacks [status: NON-CIRCULATING]
[Record 66392]