AuthorCronise, Titus Fey.
TitleThe natural wealth of California; comprising early history; geography, topography, and scenery; climate; agriculture and commercial products; geology, zoology, and botany; mineralogy, mines, and mining processes; manufactures; steamship lines, railroads, and commerce; immigration, population and society; educational institutions and literature; together with a detailed description of each county ... By Titus Fey Cronise.
PublishedSan Francisco, New York, H.H. Bancroft & Company, 1868.
Description3 p.ℓ., [v]-xvi, [1]-696 p. 27 cm.
General NoteBound in red buckram; stamped in gold. Binder's leaves.
LC Card Number04-3612
Call Number/Copies 
 WRHS Research Library: F 65 D C947
mq57721: LC class, closed stacks [status: NON-CIRCULATING]
[Record 39160]