TitleVermont state papers; being a collection of records and documents, connected with the assumption and establishment of government by the people of Vermont; together with the journal of the Council of Safety, the first constitution, the early journals of the General Assembly, and the laws from the year 1779 to 1786, inclusive. To which are added the Proceedings of the first and second Councils of Censors. Comp. and pub. by William Slade.
PublishedMiddlebury, J. W. Copeland, printer, 1823.
Descriptionxx, 567 p. 22 cm.
SubjectsLaw -- Vermont.
New Hampshire Grants.
Vermont -- History -- To 1791 -- Sources.
Other AuthorsSlade, William, 1786-1859, comp.
OrganizationsVermont. Council of Safety, 1777-1778.
Vermont. General Assembly.
Vermont. Council of Censors, 1785-1786.
Vermont. Council of Censors, 1792.
Vermont. Constitution
Vermont. Office of Secretary of State.
LC Card Number01-6537
Call Number/Copies 
 WRHS Research Library: F 4 D S631
mq154468: LC class, closed stacks [status: NON-CIRCULATING]
[Record 91289]