AuthorForbes, Allan, 1874-1955. comp.
TitleSome Indian events of New England; a collection of interesting incidents in the lives of the early settlers of this country and the Indians, with reproductions of rare prints, complied by Allan Forbes ...
PublishedBoston, Printed for the State street trust company, 1934.
Descriptionvii, [2], 94 p. incl. front., illus., ports. 24 cm.
General NoteOn cover: Presented by the State street trust company.
Formatted NoteContents: Indian anecdotes.--"Welcome, Englishmen."--Squanto guides the Pilgrims to Boston harbour.--Weetamoe, the queen sachem of Pocasset.--American Indians in London.--The death of Canonchet.--The captivity of Mary Rowlandson.--Aptucxet trading post, the "cradle of American commerce."
SubjectsIndians of North America.
Indians of North America -- New England.
OrganizationsState Street Trust Company. Boston.
LC Card Number34-22235
Call Number/Copies 
 WRHS Research Library: F 1 DA F692
mq71112: LC class, closed stacks [status: NON-CIRCULATING]
[Record 44528]