AuthorBurton, Richard F[rancis] Sir, 1821-1890.
TitleUltima Thule; or, A summer in Iceland. By Richard F. Burton. With historical introduction, maps, and illustrations ....
PublishedLondon, Edinburgh, W.P. Nimmo, 1875.
Description2 v. fronts., illus., plates, fold. maps, facsim. 23 cm.
General NoteSeen through the press by Högni Gunlögsen. cf. Pref.
"Catalogue-raisonné of modern travel in Iceland":v. 1, p. 235-260.
Appendices: On sulphur in Iceland, by O. Henchel, Sir G. S. Mackenzie, Mr. C. Crowe ... Leasing contract. Sulphur in Sicily. Sulphur in Transylvania. Sulphur in Andaman Islands.
Iceland -- Description and travel.
LC Card Number04-21366
Call Number/Copies 
 WRHS Research Library: DL 312 B973U
mq48265: LC class, closed stacks [status: NON-CIRCULATING]
[Record 34699]