AuthorBrazer, Esther Stevens, 1898-1945.
TitleEarly American decoration; a comprehensive treatise revealing the technique involved in the art of early American decoration of furniture, walls, tinware, etc. ... Illus. from drawings and natural-color photos. by the author.
EditionMemorial [i.e. 2d] ed.
PublishedSpringfield, Mass., Pond-Ekberg Co. [1947]
Description265 p. illus. (part col.) 29 cm.
SubjectsDecoration and ornament.
Furniture -- United States.
Interior decoration -- United States.
LC Card Number48-490
Call Number/Copies 
 WRHS Research Library: NK 1403 B827 1947
mq30661: LC class, closed stacks [status: NON-CIRCULATING]
[Record 23548]