AuthorHale, Salma, 1787-1866.
TitleAnnals of the town of Keene, from its first settlement, in 1734, to the year 1790; with corrections, additions, and a continuation, from 1790 to 1815.
PublishedKeene [N.H.] Printed by J.W. Prentiss, 1851.
Description120 p. 2 maps (1 fold.) 24 cm.
General NoteFirst printed in Collections of the New-Hampshire Historical Society, vol. II, 1827, with a separate edition, which has imprint Concord, 1826.
SubjectsKeene (N.H.) -- History.
LC Card Number01-8016
Call Number/Copies 
 WRHS Research Library: F 3 Y K26H
mq99196: LC class, closed stacks [status: NON-CIRCULATING]
[Record 55444]