AuthorAllison, Young Ewing, 1853-1932.
TitleThe delicious vice (Second series) Pipe dreams and fond adventures of an habitual novel-reader among some great books and their people, by Young E. Allison.
PublishedCleveland, Priv. print., 1909.
Description60 p. 16 cm.
SeriesThe bookish books--III
General Note"Reprinted by courtesy of the Louisville courier-journal."
"Of this book there have been printed three hundred and twenty-five numbered copies, of which three hundred are for sale."
SubjectsBooks and reading.
LC Card Number09-9340
Call Number/Copies 
 WRHS Research Library: Z 1003 A55 v.2
mq35114: LC class, closed stacks [status: NON-CIRCULATING]
[Record 27963]