AuthorMedlicott, Carol.
TitleIssachar Bates : a Shaker's journey / Carol Medlicott.
PublishedHanover : University Press of New England, [2013]
Descriptionxxii, 424 pages : illustrations ; 25 cm
ISBN9781611684193 (cloth : alk. paper)
ISBN1611684196 (cloth : alk. paper)
ISBN9781611684346 (pbk. : alk. paper)
ISBN161168434X (pbk. : alk. paper)
ISBN9781611684087 (ebook)
ISBN1611684080 (ebook)
Bib. NoteIncludes bibliographical references (pages 405-413) and index.
Formatted NoteContents: Introduction. "Now here's my faith I'll speak it plain" -- "Signs and wonders" : early life, spiritual preparation, and the coming of the Shakers -- "Take the bloody track of war" : A fifer in the American Revolution -- "I'm journeying with those who I love in the flesh" : Issachar Bates as husband and provider -- "A testimony as hot as flames" : Shaker conversion and early travels -- "Like God's hunters" : seeking kindred in the West -- "Thorns and thistles did abound" : the growth of the Shaker West -- "What trials yet before us lay?" : Tribulation on the Wabash -- "And with much animation we lived at Busro" : an elder in Indiana -- "Remnant of the tribe of Issachar" : the Bates kinship network in the Shaker East -- "The cockatrice still wants a place in Zion's lovely regions" : transformations in the Shaker West -- "Tribulation worketh patience" : a bitter close in the West -- "So I'll relinquish all demands" : journey's end at New Lebanon -- Epilogue. "Elder Issachar seems to be continually at hand" -- Appendix 1. Bates family tree -- Appendix 2. Songs and poems by Issachar Bates -- Appendix 3. Songs by Issachar Bates's children.
SubjectsBates, Issachar, 1758-1837.
Composers -- United States -- Biography.
Shakers -- Biography.
LC Card Number2012-51384
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