Author | Leyanna, Laura, 1953-
Title | A.C. Fridrich Karow & Auguste Rohrbeck Karow (who came from Prussia to Saginaw, Michigan in 1879) and their descendants / compiled, typed and indexed by Laura Jean Karow Leyanna.
Published | Swartz Creek, Mich. : L.J.K. Leyanna, 2010.
Description | 483 p. : ill., maps ; 29 cm.
Bib. Note | Includes bibliographical references and index.
Acq. Note Source | Gift of Laura Jean Karow Leyanna, 2011.
Subjects | Karow, A. C. (August Christian) Fridrich, 1847-1898 -- Family. Karow family. Prussians -- Michigan -- Saginaw -- Genealogy. Prussians -- United States -- Genealogy. Saginaw County (Mich.) -- Genealogy.
Other Titles | A.C. Fridrich Karow and Auguste Rohrbeck Karow (who came from Prussia to Saginaw, Michigan in 1879) and their descendants
Call Number/Copies | |
| WRHS Research Library: Karow family mq244820: Family histories, open stacks [status: NON-CIRCULATING] |
[Record 147263] |