Author | Hall, Lu Verne V.
Title | New England family histories and genealogies. State of Massachusetts / Lu Verne V. Hall.
Published | Westminster, Md. : Heritage Books, 2009, c2002.
Description | iv, 781 p. ; 22 cm.
ISBN | 978-0-7884-2070-2 |
ISBN | 0-7884-2070-4 |
Bib. Note | Includes bibliographical references and index.
Summary Note | Summary: "The author has researched and compiled this valuable bibliographic reference tool from the abundance of genealogical works about Massachusetts family histories and genealogies that are available to the public. Bibliographic references are grouped alphabetically by family name, with titles arranged alphabetically by author. Individual book listings contain author, publisher and publication date (as available) to make location easier. This volume also provides a list of the major Massachusetts libraries, codes to library abbreviations with a very brief glossary, a list of Massachusetts genealogical societies, a bibliography and a fullname index."--The publisher.
Acq. Note Source | WRHS Genealogical Committee Pat Steve Fund, 2011.
Subjects | Massachusetts -- Genealogy -- Bibliography. Massachusetts -- History -- Bibliography.
Call Number/Copies | |
| WRHS Research Library: F 5 F H177 N532 2009 mq245338: LC class, open stacks [status: NON-CIRCULATING] |
[Record 147400] |