Title | Motorcycling, including the Bicycling world.
Published | Chicago [s.n.] 1909-1930
Dates of Publication | Dec. 30, 1909-Sept. 1930. |
Description | 32 v. ill. 30.5 cm.
Num. Peculiar. | The volume numbering begins with v. 8, no. 26, June 29, 1914. The numbers issued from Dec. 1909 to June 22, 1914, are called nos. 1-210, no volumes being specified.
Complex Note | Merged into the American motorcyclist and bicyclist, which continued as the New American motorcyclist and bicyclist
Subjects | Bicycles and tricycles -- Periodicals. Cycling -- Periodicals. Motor-cycles -- Periiodicals.
Other Titles | Motorcycling Other title: Motorcycling and bicycling Sept. 3, 1917-Nov. 14, 1923 Motor cycling Dec. 30, 1909-May 24, 1915
LC Card Number | 12-25688 |
Call Number/Copies | |
| WRHS Research Library: TL 440 M9198 CA-1702404 c.1: LC class, closed stacks [status: NON-CIRCULATING] |
Holdings | Copy: 1 no. 209 (Jun 15, 1914) v. 9 no. 16 (Oct 16, 1914) v. 9 no. 29 (Jan 18, 1915) v. 9 no. 41 (Apr 12, 1915) v. 9 no. 48 (May 13, 1915)
[Record 59532] |