AuthorByrd, H. Clinton.
TitleThe Seiberling family from Jerg Sauberlich 1611-1684 through Nathan Seiberling 1810-1889 / compiled & edited H. Clinton Byrd & Mary Ann Byrd.
PublishedHenderson, N.C. : B.H. and M.A. Byrd, 2004.
Description115 p. : ill. ; 28 cm.
General NoteCover title.
"This is a revised edition of the 1990 Seiberling Family in America with corrections and additions."
SubjectsGerman Americans -- Genealogy.
Germany -- Genealogy.
Pennsylvania -- Genealogy.
Seiberling family.
Siverling family.
Other AuthorsByrd, Mary Ann.
Call Number/Copies 
 WRHS Research Library: Seiberling family
mq239558: Family histories, closed stacks [status: NON-CIRCULATING]
[Record 143952]