AuthorEberhardt, H. Ezra (Henry Ezra), 1912-
TitleOur Hudson family history; fourteen generations in the family of Abraham Hudson (1750-1829) of Morristown, New Jersey, sergeant in the American Revolution. Compiled by H. Ezra Eberhardt, Jr. & Robert M. Hudson.
PublishedChatham, N.J., H.E. Eberhardt, Jr.; Pittsburgh, Pa., R.M. Hudson, 1989.
Description2 v. illus. 27 cm.
Bib. NoteIncludes bibliographical references and indexes.
SubjectsHudson, Abraham, 1750-1829 -- Family.
Hudson, David, 1761-1836 -- Family.
Hudson family.
Hudson, Robert, 1670-1723 -- Family.
Ohio -- Genealogy.
Other AuthorsHudson, Robert M. (Robert McKim), 1926-
Call Number/Copies 
 WRHS Research Library: Hudson family, v. 1
mq194002: Family histories, open stacks [status: NON-CIRCULATING]
 WRHS Research Library: Hudson family, v. 2
mq237392: Family histories, open stacks [status: NON-CIRCULATING]
[Record 125373]