TitleObservations on church government, by the Presbytery of Springfield. To which is added, the last will and testatment of that revered body: with a preface and notes, by the editor ...
PublishedCincinnati, From the press of John W. Browne, office of Liberty Hall, 1807.
Description[7] p. 18 cm.
General NoteThe last will and testament has imprint. From a copy reprinted in Albany, 1808.
SubjectsImprints, Early -- American -- To 1820.
Ohio imprints -- 1807.
OrganizationsPresbytery of Springfield (1803-1804)
Call Number/Copies 
 WRHS Research Library: BX 9767 K37M 1837
mq162230: LC class, closed stacks [status: NON-CIRCULATING]
[Record 99016]