AuthorKemp, G. M.
TitleMemorial sermon delivered in the Congregational Church, Mansfield, Ohio, May 30th, by Rev. G.M. Kemp, chaplain of McLaughlin Post, No. 131, Grand Army of the Republic.
PublishedMansfield, O., Geo. U. Harn & Bro., printers, 1886.
Description8 p. 20 cm.
SubjectsOhio imprints -- 1886.
OrganizationsGrand Army of the Republic. McLaughlin Post No. 131 (Mansfield, Ohio)
Call Number/Copies 
 WRHS Research Library: E 462.1 O37Z
mq155614: LC class, closed stacks [status: NON-CIRCULATING]
[Record 92423]