TitleThe Patriot; a series of American character studies ...
PublishedChicago, New York, The University Association. 1898-1899.
Dates of Publicationv. 1, no. 1-12; April, 1898-March, 1899.
General NoteThe volumes in the present series were also issued by the H.G. Campbell Publishing Co., Milwaukee, in 1898-1899 under the series title, "True stories of great Americans"; in 1903 the volumes appeared in a new edition, by the same publishers, with a changed series title: Great Americans of history.
Formatted NoteContents: vol. I. no. 1. Ellis, E.S. Thomas Jefferson [1898]--no. 2. Fallows, S. Samuel Adams [1898]--no. 3. Ridpath, J.C. James Otis [1898]--no. 4, Musick, J.R. John Hancock [1898]--no. 5. Strong, F. Benjamin Franklin [1898]--no. 6. Willard, S. John Adams [1898]--no. 7. Ellis, E.S. Alexander Hamilton [1898]--no. 8. Parsons, E. George Washington [1898]--no. 9. Dabney, R.H. John Randolph [1898]--no. 10. Reed, E.A. Daniel Webster [1899]--no. 11. Sheppard, R.D. Abraham Lincoln [1899]--no. 12. Caldwell, H.W. Henry Clay [1899]
SubjectsStatesmen -- United States.
United States -- Biography.
OrganizationsUniversity Association.
LC Card Number08-21095
Call Number/Copies 
 WRHS Research Library: E 176 P31
mq143582: LC class, closed stacks [status: NON-CIRCULATING]

v. 1, no. 1-4, 6-7 (Apr-Jul, Oct-Nov 1898)
[Record 80620]