Author | Ohio. Court of Common Pleas (Cuyahoga County)
Title | In the Court of Common Pleas. Harold T. Clark [and others], plaintiffs, vs. The Cleveland Museum of Art, The John Huntington Polytechnic Institute, The Trustees of the John Huntington Benevolent Trust and C. William O'Neill, attorney general of Ohio, defendants. Petition for declaratory judgement, No.650,055. Transcript of proceedings, Donald F. Lybarger, Jr., August 11, 1953.
Published | [Cleveland, 1953]
Description | 1 v. (various pagings)
Subjects | Cleveland imprints -- 1953. Huntington, John, 1832-1893.
Other Authors | Lybarger, Donald Fisher, 1896-1970. Clark, Harold Terry, 1882-
Organizations | John Huntington Polytechnic Institute. Cleveland Museum of Art.
Call Number/Copies | |
| WRHS Research Library: F 34 ZTB K65O Oversize mq138737: LC class oversize, closed stacks [status: NON-CIRCULATING] |
[Record 75785] |