AuthorEvans, F. W. (Frederick William), 1808-1893,
TitleThe country : a new earth and new heavens / by F.W. Evans.
PublishedNew Lebanon, N.Y. : [s.n., 1890?]
Description8 p. ; 14 cm.
General NoteDate of publication suggested by MacLean.
LC copy formerly part of the YA Collection: YA 24717.
Cit./Ref. NoteReferences: MacLean, J.P. Shaker lit., 238; McKinstry, E.R. Andrews Shaker coll., 156.
SubjectsReligion and politics -- United States.
OrganizationsShaker Collection (Library of Congress)
LC Card Number99-179128
Call Number/Copies 
 WRHS Research Library: BX 9777 E92b
mq170355: LC class, closed stacks [status: NON-CIRCULATING]
[Record 102074]