AuthorLibrary of Congress. Service for the Blind.
TitleBooks for the Adult Blind, including the talking-book machine activity, and, Service for the Blind, from the annual reports / The Library of Congress.
PublishedWashington : United States G.P.O., 1938-
Dates of Publication1936-1937-
Descriptionv. : ill. ; 25 cm.
SubjectsBlind -- Books and reading.
Libraries and the blind.
Talking books.
OrganizationsLibrary of Congress. Books for the Adult Blind.
Previous TitlesContinues: Library of Congress. Service for the Blind. Annual reports, Service for the Blind, and, Books for the Adult Blind, including the talking-book machine activity
LC Card Numbersn99-18013
Canceled: 31021234
Call Number/Copies 
 WRHS Research Library: Z 733 U63 B4
mq82542: LC class, closed stacks [status: NON-CIRCULATING]
[Record 48732]