AuthorRidpath, John Clark, 1840-1900.
TitleLife and work of James G. Blaine ... by John Clark Ridpath, General Selden Connor, and other eminent friends of Mr. Blaine. A national gallery of pictures and portraits.
PublishedNew York, Western W. Wilson [1893]
Descriptionxxxii, 33-505 p. front. (port.), illus. 27 cm.
General NoteMemorial edition.
SubjectsBlaine, James Gillespie, 1830-1893.
Other AuthorsConnor, Selden, b. 1839.
Call Number/Copies 
 WRHS Research Library: E 664 B634 R5
mq20859: LC class, closed stacks [status: NON-CIRCULATING]
[Record 14010]