AuthorYaniga, Rose.
TitleOak Grove Cemetery, Fayette County, PA : located on Route 40 west of Uniontown : originally named Union Cemetery and was formed February 12, 1867 / compiled by Rose Yaniga, John J. Yanik, Jr.
Edition1st ed.
PublishedApollo, PA : Closson Press, c1996.
Description163 p. ; 28 cm.
SubjectsCemeteries -- Pennsylvania -- Fayette County.
Fayette County (Pa.) -- Genealogy.
Inscriptions -- Pennsylvania -- Fayette County.
Inscriptions -- Pennsylvania -- Uniontown Region (Fayette County)
Oak Grove Cemetery (Fayette County, Pa.)
Registers of births, etc. -- Pennsylvania -- Fayette County.
Registers of births, etc. -- Pennsylvania -- Uniontown Region (Fayette County)
Uniontown Region (Fayette County, Pa.) -- Genealogy.
Other AuthorsYanik, John J.
LC Card Number96-85272
Call Number/Copies 
 WRHS Research Library: F 11 X F284 Y24
mq226429: LC class, open stacks [status: NON-CIRCULATING]
[Record 137004]