Uniform Title | AIrport data sheet.
Title | Aeronautics; an authoritative work dealing with the theory and practice of flying.
Published | New York.
Dates of Publication | Vol. 1-9; Sept. 4, 1940-Sept. 10, 1941. |
Description | 9 v. illus. (incl. charts, diagrs., ports). 23 cm.
General Note | "General editor, Don Ryan Mockler."
Num. Peculiar. | "1028 lectures on aviation serialized in 54 weekly issues." Numbering continuous. Paging continuous. No more published.
Summary Note | Vol. 1-8 include Airport data sheet no. 1-24.
Iss. Body Note | Published by the National Aeronautics Council, Inc.
Cum. Index Note | Vol. 9, no. 54 (Sept. 10, 1941) is cumulative index and reference key.
Subjects | Aeronautics -- Periodicals.
Other Authors | Mockler, Don Ryan, ed.
Organizations | National Aeronautics Council, New York.
Call Number/Copies | |
| WRHS Research Library: TL 501 A254 mq32170: LC class, closed stacks [status: NON-CIRCULATING] |
[Record 25051] |