AuthorAlliano, Jacopi.
Uniform TitleStraight-out Harrisonian.
TitleChronicles of Ohio : a fragment of cabilistical [!] history : recently snatched from oblivion and rendered into English from the original Chaldaic / by the learned rabbi, Jacopi Alliano ; containing many matters of great interest to antiquarians ; relating to the lives, names, conversations, and doings of Wilson, of Leatherwood, John, the Big, and Sam, the Seizer ; (first published in English in the Straight-out Harrisonian).
PublishedColumbus, [Ohio] : J.M. Stout, 1841.
Description32 p. : ill. ; 22 cm.
SubjectsOhio -- Politics and government.
Ohio imprints -- 1841.
LC Card Number01-6023
Call Number/Copies 
 WRHS Research Library: Pam. A535
mq157320: Pamphlets, closed stacks [status: NON-CIRCULATING]
[Record 94123]