AuthorKnapp, Nathaniel, 1736-1816.
TitleThe diary of Nathaniel Knap [sic] of Newbury, in the province of Massachusetts Bay in New England. Written at the second siege of Louisburg, in 1758.
PublishedBoston : Soc. of Colonial Wars in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, 1895.
Description42 p. ; 24 cm.
General NoteFor an account of the writer, see Currier's "Ould Newbury", 1896, p. 484-491.
Excerpt: Soc. of Colonial Wars.--Mass. Publ. no. 2.
With NoteWith Society of colonial wars. Massachusetts. Proceedings of the special courts and second general court, 1894. Boston, 1895. 24 cm.
SubjectsLouisburg (N.S.) -- History -- Siege, 1758.
Call Number/Copies 
 WRHS Research Library: E 186.3 M414 v.2
mq145383: LC class, closed stacks [status: NON-CIRCULATING]
[Record 82405]