AuthorConnell, Maria Bryan Harford, 1808-1844.
TitleTokens of affection : the letters of a planter's daughter in the Old South / edited by Carol Bleser.
PublishedAthens : University of Georgia Press, c1996.
Descriptionxxxiv, 403 p. ; 24 cm.
SeriesSouthern voices from the past
Bib. NoteIncludes bibliographical references (p. 379-386) and index.
SubjectsConnell, Maria Bryan Harford, 1808-1844 -- Correspondence.
Cumming, Julia Bryan, 1803-1879 -- Correspondence.
Georgia -- History -- 1775-1865.
Georgia -- Social life and customs.
Plantation life -- Georgia -- History -- 19th century.
Women -- Georgia -- Correspondence.
Other AuthorsBleser, Carol K. Rothrock.
LC Card Number94-40961
Call Number/Copies 
 WRHS Research Library: F 20 JE C752
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[Record 51736]