AuthorHudson, Charles Lowell.
TitleThe life and times of Dudley Peter Allen / Charles Lowell Hudson.
PublishedCleveland, Ohio : Cleveland Medical Library Association, 1992.
Descriptionxi, 64 p. : ill. ; 23 cm.
General Note"Selected medical writings of Dudley Peter Allen": p. 55-59.
Bib. NoteIncludes bibliographical references (p. 48-54).
SubjectsAllen, Dudley Peter, 1852-1915
Allen, Dudley Peter, 1852-1915
Cleveland imprints -- 1992.
Education, Medical -- history -- United States.
Physicians -- biography.
Surgeons -- Ohio -- Cleveland -- Biography.
Western Reserve University. School of Medicine -- History.
LC Card Number92-231770
Call Number/Copies 
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[Record 19422]