Formatted Note | Contents: The Moravian Church, by J.R. Weinlick.--The Lutheran Church in America, by V. Ferm.--The Mennonites, by J.C. Wenger.--The Presbyterian Church in America, by C.M. Drury.--The Protestant Episcopal Church in the United States of America, by W.H. Stowe.--The Reformed Church in America, by M.J. Hoffman.--Unitarianism, by E.T. Buehrer.--The Congregational Christian churches, by M.M. Deems.--Baptist churches in America, by R.G. Torbet.--The United Presbyterian Church in America, by W.E. McCulloch.--The Society of Friends in America (Quakers) by W.E. Berry.--The Evangelical Mission Covenant Church and the free churches of Swedish background, by K.A. Olsson.--The Church of the Brethren, by D.W. Bittinger.--The Evangelical and Reformed Church, by D. Dunn.--Methodism, by E.T. Clark.--The Universalist Church of America, by R. Cummins.--The Evangelical United Brethren Church, by P.H. Eller.--Seventh-Day Adventists, by L.E. Froom.--Disciples of Christ, by R.E. Osborn.--