AuthorUnited States. Patent Office.
TitleReport of the Commissioner of Patents for the year ...
PublishedWashington : [Patent Office], 1857- ?
Dates of Publication1849-1868.
Description3 v. : ill.
General NoteLibrary owns report for the year 1849, Part II: Agriculture.
"Warren Young."
Location: 228.3-4/2-E.
Num. Peculiar.Issued in 2 v.
SubjectsInventions -- United States -- Periodicals.
Patents -- United States -- Periodicals.
United States. Patent Office -- Periodicals.
Previous TitlesContinues: United States. Patent Office.
Later TitlesContinued by: United States. Patent Office. Annual report of the Commissioner of Patents for the year ...
Call Number/Copies 
 James A. Garfield National Historic Site: LA3313-228
mq11985: Garfield Library [status: NON-CIRCULATING]
[Record 6266]