AuthorHume, Joan. ed.
TitleIndex to the wills of: St. Mary's County, 1662-1960, Somerset County, 1644-1955.
PublishedBaltimore, Magna Carta Book Co. [c1970]
Descriptionx, 266 p.
SeriesThe American index library
General NoteAt head of title: Maryland.
On spine: Maryland wills, St. Mary's County, 1662-1960, Somerset County, 1664-1955.
SubjectsWills -- Maryland -- Somerset County -- Indexes.
Wills -- Maryland -- St. Mary's County -- Indexes.
Call Number/Copies 
 WRHS Research Library: F 13 X S146 H3 Index
mq103791: LC class, open stacks [status: NON-CIRCULATING]
[Record 59726]