Author | Texas (Republic). Congress. Senate.
Title | Secret journals of the Senate, republic of Texas, 1836-1845; ed. from the original records in the State library and the Department of State by Ernest William Winkler, state librarian.
Subjects | Texas -- Politics and government -- 1836-1846.
Other Authors | Winkler, Ernest William, 1875-1960. ed.
Host Title | In: Texas. Library and Historical Commission. Biennial report. Austin, 1911. 337 p. 24 cm. 1st pt. 2. |
LC Card Number | 11-32572 |
Call Number/Copies | |
| WRHS Research Library: F 27 B T353 v.1 mq161523: LC class, closed stacks [status: NON-CIRCULATING] |
[Record 98311] |