AuthorBowman, Diana.
TitleArmstrong County, Pennsylvania, willbook index, 1805-1900 / compiled by Diana Bowman for Closson Press.
PublishedApollo, PA : Closson Press, c1987.
Description53 leaves ; 28 cm.
General NoteSpine title: Index to Armstrong County, PA, wills, 1805-1900.
SubjectsArmstrong County (Pa.) -- Genealogy.
Wills -- Pennsylvania -- Armstrong County.
OrganizationsClosson Press.
Related TitlesArmstrong County, Pennsylvania, will book index, 1805-1900.
Index to Armstrong County, PA, wills, 1805-1900.
LC Card Number88-196735
Call Number/Copies 
 WRHS Research Library: F 11 X A739 B7
mq22174: LC class, closed stacks [status: NON-CIRCULATING]
[Record 15323]