AuthorAgnew, Daniel, 1809-1902.
TitleAddress delivered before the Allegheny County Bar Association, December 1, 1888. No. 8. Sketches of prominent lawyers of the Allegheny County Bar of the last century and earlier years of this. By Hon. Daniel Agnew ...
Published[Philadelphia? 1888?]
Description60 p. port. 25 cm.
General NoteCover-title.
Reprinted from the Pennsylvania magazine of history and biography, vol. XIII, 1888, no. 1.
SubjectsJudges -- Pennsylvania -- Allegheny County.
Lawyers -- Pennsylvania -- Allegheny County.
LC Card Number24-10188
Call Number/Copies 
 WRHS Research Library: P 7168
mq187444: Local class, closed stacks [status: NON-CIRCULATING]
[Record 118947]