AuthorMoscrip, Virginia.
TitleCertain small cemeteries, towns of Bristol & East Bloomfield, Ontario County, New York / by Virginia Moscrip and Marjorie S. Dows.
PublishedRochester, N.Y. : Irondequoit Chapter, D.A.R., [1971]
Description[12] leaves ; 31 cm.
General Note"November 1971"
SubjectsCemeteries -- New York (State) -- Bristol.
Cemeteries -- New York (State) -- East Bloomfield.
Cemeteries -- New York (State) -- Ontario County.
Other AuthorsDows, Marjorie S.
OrganizationsDaughters of the American Revolution. Irondequoit Chapter (Rochester, N.Y.)
Call Number/Copies 
 WRHS Research Library: F 9 X O61D, no. 4
mq22855: LC class, closed stacks [status: NON-CIRCULATING]
[Record 16004]